I travelled to Western Australia in 2012 as part of Ngee Ann Polytechnic's Overseas Merit Fellowship (OMF) Programme. OMF Australia is a 19 days environmental studies programme at the University of Western Australia. The 19 days were filled with lectures, field trips, cycling trips and a road trip up North! OMF will always be one of the most memorable trips of my life.



Perth and University of Western Australia

We were all pumped up for the entire day even though we landed at Perth at 1am in the morning. Boarded a chartered bus and off we went to Trinity College, our accommodation for the next two weeks.


Trinity College is actually pretty small and it gives off those homely feel of dormitories that I always see in movies. The weather, the environment and the people were just perfect. Even lying down on the lawn looking up at the sky felt pretty awesome!

It’s a perfect place to live at if you are a student at University of Western Australia (UWA). UWA is just across the street! We spent our next few days exploring the campus and attending lectures on history, environment and essay writing. Fieldtrips to amazing (I will even say some are magical) places doesn’t just happen in movies! It really possible in universities! Maybe not in Singapore as we only have buildings and more buildings around, but it is definitely possible overseas. This is one of the few reasons why I want to study overseas. UWA brought us to Rottnest Island and Future Farm (links below) that was definitely eye opening for the 20 of us.

 I felt Perth city was actually quite boring. Head to Fremantle if you want to shop and eat! Way more varieties there and you get to enjoy the sea breeze while eating fish and chips.




"Earthwise is a non-funded, volunteer-staffed community centre located in the heart of Subiaco, Western Australia, in the Uniting Church building at 315 Bagot Rd.

Earthwise undertakes a variety of community and environmental activities

Earthwise provides an open and interactive space that is safe and encouraging and offers a connecting point for people who may be short of confidence or short of cash. It promotes sustainable living practices through the principals of reducing consumption, re-using and recycling." - Earthwise